By Dawna Jones

I am not the same person I was six months much less nine years ago. The journey to releasing my own potential began decades ago but it accelerated rapidly when my business crashed hard nine years ago. None of the efforts to clarify message, marketing or move my ideas forward gained traction. Only when I talked like everyone else did, were the ideas given credence. Stick in the mainstream and you are golden. Deviate and you will find yourself on the perimeter. Sliding down the slippery slope of believing that if I worked harder I could save it, the inevitable was unavoidable. In fairness, it was a year when many businesses crashed so I was not alone. Still, it felt like I had been slammed to the ground largely because my home went with it. It was a gift.

With the fall and dismantling of structure is the opening for releasing human potential.

No mistakes made. No regrets subtract from lessons and wisdom well earned. It was all part of a constant shedding of limiting beliefs to allow innate power and potential to emerge. Experimentation with removing all barriers to self-expression especially when confronted by judgment provided better insight into the transformational process from personal to organizational to global. Emotional awareness and calibration continued to release the past and open for new adventures. Along the way the path I took showed how and where societal expectations and social norms created habitual holding patterns. As if the internal challenge were not enough, the external challenge of not thinking, living or acting my age created questions about where I belonged. I could not help but wonder whether the contribution I could make fit in the world or had any value.

Looking back to the starting point, I recognize that I had repressed my own human potential swimming around in assumptions about how the world worked. Once you realize you are the one holding yourself back, there is nothing to stop you from releasing your deeper potential. The first step is to stop controlling what you can’t control, and start controlling your inner responses to outer events and experiences, which is well within your control.

Read the rest of the article here…

About the Author:  Dawna Jones sees the underlying forces impacting what you see on the surface. She works with leaders and decision-makers to update skills and expand access to their wider intelligence. Working with individuals, teams, companies or at a global level gives Dawna insights into scaling mindset, innovation and transformation through leadership and decision-making. Contact Dawna on her website or follow her on Twitter.


Moving from a Controlling Mindset to Releasing Human Potential